Sunday, September 11, 2016

Novena to our Lady of La Salette ~ Day 2 ~

SECOND DAY OF THE NOVENA : Freedom from Fear

Holy Scripture Says:
“Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.” (Luke 1: 30)

Our Lady Said:
“Do not be afraid!”

At her Annunciation, Mary's initial response to the presence and words of the Archangel Gabriel was one of anxious fear. Therefore, she could very easily sympathize with the reaction of fear, which overcame the two children, at her sudden appearance on the Holy Mountain of La Salette.
Her words, like those of the Archangel, were most welcome and reassuring to the anxious souls--"Do not be afraid!"
There is only one thing to fear—and that is sin! Venial Sin makes us pull away from God and Mortal Sin will even separate us from God entirely. We must fight both forms of sin and weep over our our past indulgence in these two forms of sin.
Our Lady comes to La Salette as a weeping Mother, for we do not weep sufficiently over our sins.
However, Holy Mother of God Mary, who was relieved of her fears, now seeks to relieve us of our own fears.
She who was "full of grace" and who “found favor with God,” now in turn seeks to find grace and favor for us as a Mother of Mercy.
Mary, who knew the God of her ancestors as a God of power and might, now encounters God in a most personal and intimate way.
At La Salette she speaks, from that privileged intimate relationship with God, to teach us that we, too, are “beloved of the Father”—despite our sins, if, like the Prodigal Son, we turn our back on them and return to the Father.
Saint John declares “perfect love drives out fear.” (1 John 4: 18) Mary came to know that “perfect love” as her own Son. May He cast out our fear as well, and perfect His love in us.
[quiet Reflection]

Our Prayer:
Remember, O Mother of Sorrows, how often fear of our past sins and failings discourages us and keeps us from God. Lovingly guide us away from sin and to Jesus, the source of grace. Drive out, too, dearest Mother, the fear we have of becoming true followers of Christ; which comes from a fear of what the world and those around us may think and say of us, if we truly started to live our Faith as it should be lived. As we take comfort in your kind and merciful invitation to draw ever closer to your Son, O Mother of Mercy, may your words melt our cold sinful hearts, so that we can both receive His mercy for ourselves, as well show His mercy to others. May you ever bring us an increase of His zeal for the glory of God, and so drive-out our lukewarmness and indifference. Finally, may you obtain for us the grace to experience His peace within us, and so banish all our fears and terrors. Amen.
[mention prayer petition]

Our Father, Hail Mary

Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of Sinners, pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to thee. + Amen

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