Monday, September 12, 2016

Novena to our Lady of La Salette ~ Day 3 ~

Day Three
Scripture: "The angel of the Lord appeared to (the shepherds) and said, 'Behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.'" (Luke 2: 10)

Holy Mary's Words: "I am here to tell you great news."

Meditation: The good news spoken to Mary at her Annunciation brought forth a prayer of praise. This prayer, the Magnificat, not only expresses her deep joy and the conviction of her strong faith; it also recounts how God cares for and helps the needy, the downtrodden, the lost.

Like the Gospel, the message of Mary at La Salette is one of good news. Her words announce great joy-the joy of our salvation: sin is forgiven, death is destroyed, a broken world has been renewed.

The angels announced the Good News of Lord Jesus' birth-God breaking forth into our world. Holy Mother Mary at La Salette reminds us that God continues to break into our world, restoring and renewing the face of the earth. This is the Good News! This is the source of our joy!

Prayer: Gentle Virgin of La Salette, thou urge us to find joy in God our Savior. Gladly we hear thy words and pledge to spread this good news. May our lives give glory to thy Divine Son and be filled with joy in serving Jesus Christ, now and forever.
( pause and pray the prayer petition)

Our Father..Hail Mary

Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of Sinners, pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to thee.

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